November, 14th to 17th | Brasilia / BR
CAsB - Clube de Astronomia de Brasília
Posted by MonicaMazzoni on 12/Mar/2013

Enter your photo to feature on the 16th ENAST website!

Enter your photos in our competition, the top 3 will be used as background for the 16th ENAST website

The deadline to send photos is over. If you have sent photos, keep your fingers crossed and make your campaign. If not, vote for the best images. The voting page will be available here.

The Organizing Committee of the 16th ENAST (National Astronomy Gathering) is organizing a competition to choose the most interesting astronomical photographs by astronomers interested in the competition, with the purpose of setting up an image bank to be used in the ENAST website and in the event's promotional material. The top 3 voted images in the online vote will be used as background for the 16th ENAST website!

Since the objective is to set up an image bank, once you send your photo you will be automatically authorizing its use on any material produced for ENAST (the 16th edition and all future editions of the event). This applies to printed material, digital material, videos or any other material that may be used on websites, newspapers and other media, with the exclusive objective of promoting ENAST.

The photos will first be appraised taking into account the following requirements, before being put up for voting:

1. It does not matter whether the photo is light or dark, or what colors and textures it has.

2. We will give preference to photos with a uniform general aspect (large areas containing low contrast elements within areas, even if those areas are very contrasting between themselves).

3. The photos must have good resolution (adequate for visualization on full screen) and little distortion.

4. Pictures of astronomical instruments, such as telescopes, are also welcome, as well as others related with the theme.

Pictures must be sent up to 20th March, 2013. Voting will start on 21st March, 2013 and will end on 28th March, 2013. We will announce the 3 winners here on this page and in 2 day's time they will be illustrating our website!


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